Unna Boot Bandage - Dynarex
Unna Boot Bandage, Dynarex®, Non-Sterile, Plain or with Calamine, 1 / Ea
Product Description:
Dynarex® Unna Boot Bandage is a compression bandage aimed at treating lymphatic edema, venous stasis leg ulcers, sprains, strains, burns, dislocations, and sores. Soothing zinc oxide paste helps ease skin irritation and enhances wound healing. Dynarex® Unna Boot Bandage has a unique knit construction allowing for a more uniform distribution of zinc oxide paste. Fraying is decreased with the finished edge. This protects from further wound compromise or skin breakdown.
Individually foil wrapped. For treatment of venous stasis leg ulcers, thrombophlebitis, lymphatic edema, sprains, strains and dislocations.
Features & Benefits:
- Plain or with calamine
- Soothing zinc oxide paste formula
- Enhances patient comfort
- Individually foil wrapped bandages
- Unique knit construction allows for more uniform distribution of paste
- Finished edges
- Bandage will not fray into wound site
- Bandages rolled on inner core for easier application
Item # | Mfg # | Manufacturer | Size | Type | Qty | HCPCS Code
UNNA-3453 | 3453 | Dynarex® | 3" x 10’ | Plain | 1 / Ea | A6456 |
UNNA-3454 | 3454 | Dynarex® | 4" x 10’ | Plain | 1 / Ea | A6456 |
UNNA-3455 | 3455 | Dynarex® | 3" x 10’ | Calamine | 1 / Ea | A6456 |
UNNA-3456 | 3456 | Dynarex® | 4" x 10’ | Calamine | 1 / Ea | A6456 |
HCPCS Information
HCPCS Code: A6456
HCPCS Disclaimer: HCPCS codes and Home Health Consolidated Billing codes provided by First Coast Medical Supply are intended as general guidelines only. First Coast Medical Supply does not guarantee coverage or reimbursement of any products. You must address all coverage and reimbursement issues (including the correctness and accuracy of codes) with your individual payers. It is your responsibility to ensure the accuracy and appropriateness of each claim you submit, in accordance with all applicable payer requirements.
For more information on HCPCS Codes click here: